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Vinnie's Oil Universal

Vinnie's Oil Universal instructions


Vinnie's Oil UNI is our all-round oil that consists of several different cold-pressed oils and different waxes. It works on wood, metal plastic stone and leather and do not colors the wood, but only gives a beautiful luster. Used advantageously on light tree species where you gont want the gellowing effect on for example birch wood. Use it as monocoat for less exposed surfaces, or preferable as maintenance oil for an already treated surface. It prevents the wood from drying and cracking. Vinnie's Oil Universal is our first monocoat choice, and perfect if you only want to use one treatment with a full protection for all surfaces. It polymerize/hardens in only 3 days

1. Grinding: Grind the wood untill a smooth surface. You can sand it upp to 600grit. The finer you sand, the more time it needs to soak before you polish. Pop the grains with water. If you sand to 240grit, you should add water to the wood after 180grit for example, wait until its dry, and sand with 240grit after.

2. Mix Vinnie's oil UPO thoroughly and apply so that the entire surface is sticky. Thin layers. Rub it into the wood.

3. Wait for at least 2h. And wipe off. Polish. The finer you sand, the more time it needs to soak into the wood. 4. WAX Repeat 2 – 3 layers. 1 -2 layers if used as maintenance. Wait for at least 3 days before use,

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