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Vinnie's Oil UPO Dark

Vinnie's Oil UPO Dark Instructions


Vinnie's oil UPO Dark is the same base as our UPO but leaves the wood with a rustic dark colour that looks from another century. UPO our base oil that is most often used as the first treatment on a wood-clean surface. It consists of 16 cold-pressed oils and 2 waxes. The oil penetrates below the surface of the wood and causes the wood to swell and harden, while the wax effectively seals pores under the surface. Used with advantage together with our Wax which is the hardest wax on the market and that provides incredibly robust protection also on top of the surface. UPO is a Polymerizing (hardening) oil and should always be used as first treatment for untreated wood.

 1. Grinding: Grind the wood untill a smooth surface. You can sand it upp to 600grit. The finer you sand, the more time it needs to soak before you polish. Pop the grains with water. If you sand to 240grit, you should add water to the wood after 180grit for example, wait until its dry, and sand with 240grit after.

2. Mix or shake Vinnie's oil UPO thoroughly and apply so that the entire surface is sticky. Thin layers. Rub it into the wood.

3. Wait for at least 2 hours. Wipe off. And polish.

4. Repeat 2 – 3 layers on exposed surfaces. You can add next layer after 6 – 10h. To minimize maintainence for exposed surfaces, It’s preferably combined with Vinnie's Vax for extra strong resistance. Always wait at least 3 days before use or apply any wax.

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