Vinnie's Wax
Vinnie's Wax Instructions
Vinnie's WAX
Vinnie's Wax is the hardest and most concentrated high quality wax on the market and is intended as a supplement or maintenance wax on a surface treated with UPO or UNI. Due to the hardness and concentration of the wax, it gives an incredibly robust protection on top of the surface. The UPO + VAX comination gives you as strong protection as you can get with food-safe products, UPO + WAX is also what we have used in our uncut hard test where we wash dishes and scrub cutting boards in coffee and a full bag-in-box with wine. All waxes in the product are controlled for toxins and purity, witch makes a huge difference for your protection of the wood.
1. Follow the steps above when treating with UPO or UNI.
2. When you have thoroughly dried the oil and the surface is dry, you can apply the wax. Rub it in properly to the wood. Only very thin layer is needed.
3. Wipe off excess wax with lint-free cloth, or grind the wax in with a fine sanding paper. Polish the surface by hand or preferably by machine.
Power in Numbers
Top Layer Protection